Dr. Ahuti Das Friebel

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Schwerpunkt Familienpsychologie / Entwicklungspsychologie

Joseph Birke









Research interests/areas

My doctoral research at the University of Warwick focussed on the interactions between sleep, electronic media use and mental health and wellbeing among young people, and exploring ways of improving sleep. More recently, I am involved in examining personality traits, such as Justice Sensitivity, and their link with outcomes such as aggression and mental wellbeing among children and adolescents. I enjoy working with longitudinal data, and am able to use a variety of statistical approaches to analyse data, including, structural equation modelling and multilevel analysis.

My research interests include:

  • Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology
  • Health Psychology
  • Sleep
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Resilience
  • Social and Personality Psychology
  • Experience Sampling methodology


  • Das‐Friebel, A., Lenneis, A., Realo, A., Sanborn, A., Tang, N. K., Wolke, D., … & Lemola, S. (2020). Bedtime social media use, sleep, and affective wellbeing in young adults: an experience sampling study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(10), 1138-1149. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13326
  • Lenneis, A., Das-Friebel, A., Singmann, H., Teder-Laving, M., Lemola, S., Wolke, D., … & Realo, A. (2020). Intraindividual Variability and Temporal Stability of Mid-Sleep on Free and Workdays. Journal of Biological Rhythms. https://doi.org/10.1177/0748730420974842
  • Das-Friebel, A., Perkinson-Gloor, N., Brand, S., Dewald-Kaufmann, J. F., Grob, A., Wolke, D., & Lemola, S. (2019). A pilot cluster-randomised study to increase sleep duration by decreasing electronic media use at night and caffeine consumption in adolescents. Sleep Medicine, 60, 109-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2018.11.010
  • Das-Friebel, A., Gkiouleka, A., Grob, A., & Lemola, S. (2020). Effects of a 20 minutes delay in school start time on bed and wake up times, daytime tiredness, behavioral persistence, and positive attitude towards life in adolescents. Sleep Medicine, 66, 103-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2019.07.025